
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sarawak Miri Working Trip

 Hi guys, sorry for going missing for sometimes as I have been very busy with traveling and working. I have just come back from Miri not long ago and feel that Miri is a very auspicious place and I started loving it. 

美里是个风水宝地. 它背山面海, 后有玄武靠山, 前有朱雀好水大明堂. Miri is located facing a beautiful sea with hills at the back as support. Basically, it has everything that feng shui needs to have to call it an auspicious place. 

I have written about the prosperity of East Malaysia in my link Please have a look.

Do you know that the first oil well of Malaysia is set up in Miri in 1910 ? We only formed Malaysia 53 years later. No doubt, it is a rich region.

 Miri Beautiful Beach

Thank you so much Mr. & Mrs Luui for the delicious seafood dinner.

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