
Monday, September 30, 2013

The impacts of the Planets to our life path and feng shui. 宇宙对人的命运与风水的影响.

我学习易经, 八字原理, 风水理论的心态就是一直希望从这些复杂古老却宝贵的智慧里寻找它们的科学根据, 然后以最简单的方式与有缘人分享.

一直问自己为何古人可以用 一个人的生辰八字来批命? 为何一个人的生辰那么重要? 为何西方星座也是根据一个人的生辰? 天干地支来纪年,为什么是60一轮称六十甲子? 为什么不是80年一循环?或者100

- 变化之意,万事万物永远都处于变化之中。气 - 万物变化造成流动的现象就是气

简单的来说, 地球一直在旋转, 因此地球的磁场无时无刻都在变. 太阳和月亮对地球影响最. 五大行星的影响次. 最接近地球的五大行星为水 Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter  与土 Saturn. 天王海王等太远影响不大,太阳系外影响就更微乎其微。你也可以发觉我们每一天都离不开五行, 金水木火土. 现在看你四周, 是否都是这五行因素?

土星的公转周期为10759.2天,即约29.5年。古人以三十年计算。土星在公转运行中,二十年和木星相会一次。木星、土星这两大行星的会合,对地球有非常巨大的影响。因此风水理论中的三元九运, 三元为六十年, 一个甲子. 地球运为二十年转变一次. 现在为八运. 土星、木星二十年会合一次为一运,以九大行星配九运。

Mercury          0.241 (88.0 days)      
Venus            0.615 (225 days)      
Mars             1.881      
Jupiter          11.86     
Saturn           29.46      

以木星公转十二年和土星公转三十年的最小公倍数六十年为一个纪年单位,定为一个元,这是风水学纪年的起源。木星绕太阳公转一週是地球绕太阳公转的十二倍,而土星绕太阳公转一週是地球绕太阳公转的三十倍. 金、木、水、火、土星与地球每隔大约六十年便会同宫. 45度内. 金、木、水、火、土星与地球差不多行成一条直線. 因此在天干地支纪年里我们有六十甲子. 每六十年甲子将出现因此我们必须承认先人高深而且宝贵的智慧. 他们在几千年前已经可以很精准地把金、木、水、火、土星与地球每隔大约六十年便会同宫的时间给算出来.
八字又稱为四柱(年柱, 月柱, 日柱, 时柱), 是根据一个人的出生的年, , 日和时辰, 天干地支纪年来计算. 简单的来说,我们希望从中了解自己本命所属之五行而从中寻找自己所需之五行, 因为地球一直在旋转, 地球的磁场无时无刻都在变, 我们出世那一刻的磁场就仿佛是我们的密码.

其实风水八字的原理与爱因斯坦的相对论相似, 都讲就平衡点, 当发现那方面太多就少用它; 而当发现那方面太少就多用它. 可曾听过<水能载舟, 也能覆舟>, 我们需要水来载舟, 但太多水也能覆舟.每件东西都要它的平衡点. 因此简单的来说,如果你所属之五行为水但你出世那一刻的磁场为水强的时刻, 那你忌水. 反之, 如果你所属之五行为水但你出世那一刻的磁场为水弱的时刻, 你就需要水.中医药的原理也是如此.

I always study the Book of Changes (I-Ching), the theory of feng shui and the principle of bazi reading with the hope to find some scientific facts and hopefully I can explain these complicated ancient precious wisdom in a simple language to all of you out there.

I always asked myself why our ancestors were able to use a person's birthday to calculate his/her life path. Is a person's birthday that important? Why the Western constellation horoscope also based on a person's birthday? Why the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches is a sixty-year cycle? Why isn't it a 80 years cycle? Or 100 years?

Apparently, the Earth is revolving continuously; therefore the Earth's magnetic field is in a constantly changing form. The sun and the moon affect the Earth largely. It is followed by the influence of the 5 major planets. The closest planets to the Earth are the five major planets, water Mercury, golden Venus, and fire Mars, wooden Jupiter and earth Saturn. Other planets like Neptune are too far and the influence to the Earth is insignificant. You also may notice that we cannot escape from the 5 elements. Look around yourself now and you will notice that you are surrounding by the 5 elements i.e. gold, water, plant (wood), fire and earth elements. 

The biggest star in the Solar System is Jupiter. The Jupiter's revolution cycle is 4332.589 days, approximately for 11.86 years or 12 years, thus, we have the twelve Earthly Branches. These 12 Earthly Branches also represent the 12 zodiac animal horoscope, with the rat, followed by the ox and lastly the pig.

Whereas, another large planet, the Saturn's revolution cycle is 10759.2 days, approximately in 29.5 years or 30 years. Hence, every 20 years the Jupiter will meet the Saturn and of course it will have extremely huge influence to the Earth when they meet. Therefore in the feng shui flying star theory, we have the three yuan nine periods. Every 20 years, the Earth will have a change of period. Currently, the Earth is in period 8. There are 9 planets in the Solar System; hence, in feng shui flying star theory, we have 9 periods.

water Mercury          0.241 (88.0 days)      
Golden Venus            0.615 (225 days)      
Fire Mars             1.881      
Wooden Jupiter          11.86     
Earth Saturn           29.46      

Every 60 years, the water Mercury, Golden Venus, Fire Mars, Wooden Jupiter and Earth Saturn will meet in a straight line in 45 degrees. Therefore, it is every 60 years sixty year cycle! We have to applaud the wisdom of our ancestors for their ability to calculate it accurately without the help of the advanced technology that we have today. They could do it without a telescope.

In the bazi reading, we calculate the life path of a person based on his/her birth time i.e. the year, month, day and hour which we call it the four pillars, the law of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

In short, because the Earth is revolving continuously; therefore the Earth's magnetic field is in a constantly changing form. When a person is born, every one of us is born in a different time. It is like every one of us has a different magnetic code with us. The theory of the bazi reading is similar to the Einstein's theory of relativity i.e. searching for the balance point. When we find out there are too many of an element, we should minimize its usage. But vice verse if there are too few of an element, we should use it largely instead. This is also the basic of the knowledge of the Chinese medicine.

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