
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Master Lee in Star Newspaper 27 April 2024


Master Lee in Star Newspaper 27 April 2024

Click the below link to read:-

十二生肖的真正意义 The true meaning of the Chinese zodiac signs 第三系列 The third series

 十二生肖的真正意义 The true meaning of the Chinese zodiac signs

第三系列 The third series










"The explanation of the Chinese zodiac arrangement by Zhou Enlai is also very interesting:

Zhou Enlai said:

"The first group is the Rat and the Ox. The Rat represents wisdom, while the Ox represents diligence. Wisdom and diligence must be closely combined. If one has wisdom but lacks diligence, it becomes mere cleverness; and if one is diligent but doesn't use their brain, it becomes foolishness. Therefore, these two qualities must be combined. This is the first expectation and requirement our ancestors had for us, and it is also the most important group."

"The second group is the Tiger and the Rabbit. The Tiger represents courage, while the Rabbit represents caution. Courage and caution must be closely combined to achieve what is called 'boldness with caution.' If courage is separated from caution, it becomes recklessness; and if there is only caution without courage, it becomes timidity. This group is also very important, so it ranks second."

"The third group is the Dragon and the Snake. The Dragon represents strength, while the Snake represents flexibility. The so-called 'hardness leads to breakage'; being too rigid leads to breakage. But if one is only soft, they lose their initiative. Therefore, combining strength with flexibility has been the ancestral teaching throughout the generations."

"Next are the Horse and the Goat. The Horse represents advancing courageously towards a goal, while the Goat represents harmony. If one only focuses on advancing towards a goal without considering their surroundings, they will inevitably collide with their environment continuously and may not reach their goal in the end. However, if one only focuses on harmony with their surroundings and loses the drive to advance, they will lose direction and their goal will become distant. Therefore, the characteristics of advancing courageously and being harmonious must be closely combined. This is the fourth expectation our ancestors had for the Chinese people."

"Then there are the Monkey and the Rooster. The Monkey represents flexibility, while the Rooster, in ancient times when there were no clocks, people relied on the crowing of the rooster to determine the start of the day, so the rooster crowing on time represents stability. Flexibility and stability must be closely combined. If one is only flexible without stability, even the best policies will not yield results in the end. But if one is only stable without flexibility, like stagnant water or a rigid board, we wouldn't have the good days we enjoy today. Only when they are harmoniously combined, maintaining stability and overall harmony and order on one hand, and continuously adapting and progressing on the other hand, is the fundamental essence."

"Finally, there are the Dog and the Pig. The Dog represents loyalty, while the Pig represents amiability. If one is too loyal and lacks amiability, they will alienate others. Conversely, if one is too amiable and lacks loyalty, they will lose their principles. Therefore, whether it's loyalty to a nation, a team, or one's own ideals, it must be closely combined with amiability. This is how one can truly maintain inner loyalty. This is what we Chinese have always adhered to – being outwardly round and inwardly square, being accommodating while maintaining integrity. Each Chinese person has their own zodiac sign, some are Pigs, some are Dogs, what does this mean? In fact, our ancestors hoped that we could be well-rounded, not biased, and understand the balance of choices. For example, those born in the Year of the Pig can pursue loyalty within their amiability; while those born in the Year of the Dog can

Saturday, March 30, 2024

怎样看你的生肖冲什么生肖 How to see Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Clashes with Another Zodiac Sign? by Master Lee from Penang Feng Shui

十二生肖的真正意义 The true meaning of the Chinese zodiac signs

第2系列 The second series




凶猛的老虎给人一种稳重的印象,当它发现猎物时,会静静地虎视眈眈等待机会,而调皮的猴子则让人感觉玩世不恭, 非常调皮。





Let me teach you an easy method to remember the 12 zodiac conflicting relationships.

For example, mice are most active in the early hours of the morning. They prefer to stay in dark places, always hiding away. On the other hand, horses are most active at noon, enjoying running under clear skies.

Cattle are diligent animals, playing a crucial role in ancient farming societies. In contrast, sheep give off a lazy vibe.

The ferocious tiger exudes a sense of dignity. When it spots prey, it silently waits for an opportunity. Meanwhile, mischievous monkeys give off an air of nonchalance. Monkeys are very playful.

Rabbits make people feel cautious, whereas chickens give off a busybody vibe, always gossiping.

The most obvious examples are dragons and dogs. Dragons, the most mysterious of the zodiac animals, have never been seen by anyone. Legend has it that they soar through the sky, ever-changing. On the other hand, loyal dogs are humanity's closest companions, guarding their master's territory faithfully.

Snakes give off a sensitive impression, while pigs make people feel indifferent and too lazy to move.

Monday, March 11, 2024

时辰按照十二生肖来排列 The hours are arranged according to the twelve Chinese zodiac signs.

 十二生肖的真正意义 The true meaning of the Chinese zodiac signs

第1系列 The first series


























The hours are arranged according to the twelve Chinese zodiac signs.


Zi Hour, also known as "Midnight Hour": The first hour of the twelve earthly branches. Time: 11:00 PM - 01:00 AM. During the night, from 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM, it belongs to the "Zi Hour", with "Zi" representing the Rat. It is when rats are most active, taking advantage of the quietness of the night.


Chou Hour: The second hour of the twelve earthly branches. Time: 01:00 AM - 03:00 AM. From 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM, it belongs to the "Chou Hour", with "Chou" representing the Ox. Oxen are known to graze at night, and farmers often wake up in the wee hours to feed them.


Yin Hour: Time: 03:00 AM - 05:00 AM. From 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM, it is the "Yin Hour", with "Yin" representing the Tiger. Tigers are most ferocious during this time, and ancient people would often hear their roars.


Mao Hour: Early morning from 05:00 AM to 07:00 AM. It belongs to the "Mao Hour", with "Mao" representing the Rabbit. At dawn, rabbits come out of their burrows and enjoy eating grass with dew.


Chen Hour: Morning from 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM. It belongs to the "Chen Hour", with "Chen" representing the Dragon. Mist often occurs during this time, and dragons are believed to enjoy riding the clouds and fog. Moreover, the sun rises in the morning, forming the word "Chen" (morning) with the addition of the sun.


Si Hour: From 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM, it is the "Si Hour". With the fog cleared and the sun shining brightly, snakes come out of their holes to search for food, hence "Si" represents the Snake.


Wu Hour: From 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM, it is the "Wu Hour". Wild horses, not yet tamed by humans, gallop around and neigh during this time, thus "Wu" represents the Horse.


Wei Hour: From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM, it is the "Wei Hour". Some areas call this time "Sheep Coming Down the Hill," indicating it's a good time for grazing sheep, hence "Wei" represents the Sheep.


Shen Hour: From 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM, it is the "Shen Hour". With the sun beginning to set, monkeys are often heard calling at this time, thus "Shen" represents the Monkey.


You Hour: From 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM, it is the "You Hour". With the sun setting, chickens are seen moving around their coops, hence "You" represents the Chicken.


Xu Hour: From 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM, it is the "Xu Hour". After a day of hard work, people close their doors to rest. Dogs lie at the door to guard, barking loudly at any movement, hence "Xu" represents the Dog.


Hai Hour: From 09:00 PM to 11:00 PM, it is the "Hai Hour". In the quiet night, one can hear the sound of pigs rooting in their troughs, hence "Hai" represents the Pig.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Master Lee delivered his Feng Shui Talk for Exabytes Digital at Puchong 2024


今年农历新年,因为时间不够用所以我差不多总共拒绝了10个风水讲座的邀约,但是我告诉Puchong Exabytes Digital 的嘉宾们不管改了多少次的时间我都要来为你们演讲因为我感觉到跟你们非常有缘, 之前因为时间的安排必须要改时间,但是我还是飞来了。 谢谢你们的支持也很感恩再次见到你们。

This Lunar New Year, due to time constraints, I had to decline nearly 10 invitations for Feng Shui seminars. However, I assured the guests of Puchong Exabytes Digital that regardless of how many times the schedule had to be changed, I would still come to speak because I felt a strong connection with them. Despite having to adjust my schedule, I made the effort to attend. Thank you for your support, and I'm grateful to see you all again.

Master Lee delivered his Feng Shui talk for HSBC Bank 2024

In feng shui, one period lasts for 20 years. Do you know which is the first HSBC branch in the whole of Malaysia? The answer is HSBC Penang, established in Malaysia back in 1884. Therefore, this year marks the celebration of the 140th anniversary, a milestone that underscores their journey of growth and their unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional service to their customers. 140 years span across 7 periods in feng shui. That is indeed a long time.

Therefore, it is truly an honor for HSBC Commercial Banking Regional Director, Ms. Yun Lee Tan, and Wealth & Personal Banking Regional Director, Ms. Seow Ngee Tan, to invite me to deliver my feng shui speech at this grand event in E&O Hotel.
Being the first year in period 9 and the first year of the Jia Plant dragon year
(The "Jia" is the first of the ten Heavenly Stems), may HSBC Malaysia and HSBC Penang particularly thrive and prosper in the new year. May you all work together hand in hand to achieve greater success in another 140 years or additional 7 more periods or more to come in feng shui.
Heng Ah, Ong Ah, Huat ah…